The Thai Unit team left this morning at 6:30am. It was a sad moment watching their bus drive away. I know the Lord did a lot of work in people's heart on this trip. Praise God! Keep praying for them, as they are spending the day in Singapore, and then going back home.
I think it finally hit me this morning that I'm really here for eight more weeks. But the Lord is good and I know He has me here for a reason. For the next three weeks, Jocelyn and I will be working with the staff to teach them english and to attempt to learn Thai in the process. I will also be working with one of the orphanage's special needs kids named Phi Boone. Phi Boone was hit by a car when he was younger and has lost a lot of his motor skills in his right side. He walks with a limp and tries his hardest to never use his right arm. So, while the other kids go to school, Phi Boone and I will be doing some exercises to try and gain some of his strength back in his arm. Above is a picture of Phi Boone and I...we are handsome. Pray for him. He loves to the exercises, but he can get very discouraged when they get too hard for him. That's all for now guys! Thanks for your prayers!