Friday, August 8, 2008

Family Night!

Hello all! Tonight, as is every Friday night, is a family worship night. Everyone gets together in the meeting hall to sing songs, play games, worship, and fellowship after. It's a really fun night. If you don't know what you're doing, which both Jocelyn and I don't, then you pretty much make a fool out of yourself the entire night. It's very fun, and it brings a smile to all the kid's faces. Here's a few pictures from last week.

A few praise reports...

I know a lot of you have been praying for Phi Boone, and the Lord has really been answering. After only a week of working with him, he is already showing a lot of progress. When we first got here, he kept his fingers on his right hand curled up and never used them. We have been stretching out his fingers and moving all his joints in an attempt to build some muscle. He now is able to keep his fingers open! Praise the Lord! Keep praying for him! He also came down with a fever earlier this afternoon so pray for healing as well!
The Lord has really been blessing our english classes. He has used these last two meetings to grow our relationships with the staff. 
I also have not gotten a headache since Wednesday! I still haven't figured out what was causing them. But whatever it was, spiritual or physical, it has gone away completely. All glory to Jesus! Thank you guys so much for your praying you guys!!

Thats all for now, God bless!


Rhia Papaya said...

hoooorayyy! that's so cooool about phi boone!:)aaaand your headaches!

Glory to Jesus!
Keep fighting the good fight friend! we're all praying for ya!

Lara said...

Praise the Lord! So sweet and encouraging to hear about what the Lord is doing. I'll be praying, God bless you!

Terry Hillner said...

Such encouraging news about Phi Boone! The possibilities are endless. You guys are doing a great job. Praise the Lord that you are there right where you are at just this time to do just what he has planned. So glad your headaches have gone also. Keep the stories and pictures coming Mulch.
Stay well, Love,Terry