Just enough time for a quick update. I told you that every week all the other orphanages come to Baan Farm to fellowship and worship God together. Well Som Saat and Kringkai up in Chiang Khong couldn't make it last weekend. So yesterday, Ron and I drove up to Chiang Khong and spent some time with the kids there. We bought them dinner and ice cream and just loved on them for the night. We spent the night in a hotel overlooking the Mekong River and the border of Laos. When Ron and I left the orphanage, we sat on our balcony and spent some time praying for Laos. Here's a picture of the sun rising over Laos the next morning.

There is a young couple named Josh and Jennifer who just recently moved from the states to Chiang Khong. Their heart is to learn the Hmong language and then to work amongst the Hmong people here in Chiang Khong and Chiang Saen and eventually, if the Lord would lead them to, to workk with the Hmong in Laos. Ron and I invited them over to the hotel for breakfast. We had a good time together and we were able to encourage them and pray with them as well as be encouraged.
Prayer requests:
- I'm coming up on my last week here, and I can already feel myself getting spiritually tired. Pray that I would really rely on the Lord for strength and that I would finish well and pray that I wouldn't get lazy or anything like that.
- Pray for Josh and Jennifer as well. They are struggling with feeling like they aren't doing anything and really just want to go work in the villages. I think something we all easily struggle with is letting our minds get focused on the future and what's going to happen then instead of keeping it focused on what the Lord has in front of us. So be praying against discouragement and pray that the Lord would really let them know that where they are is where He has them and that they would find comfort in that.
I will update you again soon with more prayer requests and more pictures!
Thanks to everyone who reads this and prays! I really appreciate it and I am very blessed by it!
God bless you