Monday, August 18, 2008

The past few days

     The past few days have been somewhat mellow. Last week we were able to go with some of the staff and kids to a Lahu village to paint a church that is being built. It was a very hot, but fun day. We also took the staff out to pizza last Thursday. That was a lot of fun as well. 
     Today was Jocelyn's last day at Baan Immanuel. Sunday night, as a gift to the kids, Jocelyn bought a special dinner for everyone, and ice cream for desert. The kids were very excited! It was very sad for the kids to see her leave, but they were happy that she was able to spend five weeks with them. This afternoon, we took her to the airport and saw her off. Her flight arrives in LAX at about 8pm Monday night (California time). She was a bit nervous because she was flying by herself, so be praying for her! Pray that the Lord would provide a hedge of protection around her and that she would be able to find her comfort in Him. 

     Here's some pictures from the past few days.

That's all for now. Thanks for your prayers!



Aubrey said...

it's so cool to see all the kids again :)

Unknown said...

is your cold gone? we are praying for you!

Mulch said...

my cold is still lingering, but it's getting better. when i went to the hospital when the team was here, they gave me a bunch of medicine for sore throat, runny nose, and congestion, even though i had the stomach flu. so i have been taking that and it has been working wonders.

thanks for praying friends :)

Aaron. said...

Mulch! Thanks for posting pictures of the kids! I miss you and them so much!

Unknown said...

hi mulch!
i miss you guys so much! I cant seem to figure out life at home yet, its so wierd being back. Getting home wasn't scary at all, just to put you at ease - you will be just fine. I'm praying for you and Phi Boon lots, dont grow weary in doing good my friend! I'll try and write you an email soon, and just remember - you're in it for the soy milk!